An Introduction To Readers

Dear readers,

Thanks for your visit.

As a professional instructor of Qigong Bigu (Fasting) &Source energy circulation, I am blessed with paranormal inner power from divinity within. I have the special skill to stop gastric acid secretion for you to safely Live on Water Only for 14-21 days. This will Naturally Burn Off Fat, Bacteria, Blood Sugar, Blood Fat and Toxins, cleanse inside body fully and result in self-healing from many chronic diseases. No Hunger, No Medicines! Bigu will also prove that YOU ARE MUCH MORE THAN A BODY.

I also teach new era theories and source energy circulation course based on the theories to help you achieve inner peace and wellbeing.

Please visit my blog :

for more valuable information.


Many blessings,



Amazing Effects of Qigong Bigu Retreat(Energized Fasting)

What will happen of its own accord when all your regular food is safely replaced by channelled universal energy for 14-21 days ?
The answer would be:
A. Guaranteed! You will be safe and won’t feel hungry after Qigong Bigu retreat;
B. This will give digestive organs time to rest and heal itself;
C. To maintain life processes, excessive fat and abnormal growths in your body will burn up for energy, which can
1. Make you lose 1-3 kgs weight per day naturally in the first week,
2. Lower blood pressure,blood sugar and blood fat easily,
3. Cleanse inside body “storage” thoroughly and induce self-healing from almost all chronic diseases.
Why and How?
With paranormal Qigong technique ,I am genuinely able to stop people’s gastric acid secretion and channel universal energy to safely replace all daily food for 7-14 days (No Hunger!),which can Naturally Burn Up Fat \ Bacteria \Blood Sugar\ Tumors\Waste\ Stone etc. into Positive Energy,make people lose 1-3 kgs body fat per day naturally ,lower blood pressure,blood sugar and blood fat easily,cleanse inside body holisticly and hence induce self-healing. No medicines are involved at all! We can live on water and sunlight ,just as plants do .People may feel this is impossible and unbelievable,but it is a solid fact that I have helped over 200 people to fast safely and get much slimmer and heathier within just 2 weeks over the past 2 years.Why and How? In fact,besides digestive system ,there is another potential channel being able to absorb energy of light in human’s body. Universal light energy is the force behind all life. Let’s think about food chain, light energy is absorbed by all kinds of plants while they are growing,then it enters into animals when animals eat plants; When we eat meat,grains or vegetables ,it enters into our body to support life.So ultimately we are nurtured or healed by light energy all the time,indirectly through food or herbs and directly through Qigong and Reiki practice etc. My work is to stop gastric acid secretion by pressing 2 points and activate light energy channel for people,so that people will be safe and won’t feel hungry without having any food.
There are so many people suffering from obesity,diabetes,high blood pressure and tumors etc in the world.How I wish more and more of them could get to know and benefit from this idea of Qigong Fasting(Qigong Bigu),which has had thousands of history in China.Chinese Taoists have been keen on practising qigong fasting to improve their energy level or try to become immortal,we modern people at least can achieve perfect figure and health quickly,easily and naturally from it.
What a marvellous idea it is to burn up all the abnormal growths in the body into energy supporting life, instead of trying hard to kill them with medicine or operation!
Given only 2 weeks,I will prove to you that all this is absolutely true.For the whole fasting program ,you only need to come to me twice or three times.
Some comments that a famous Chinese Taoist made on Qigong Bigu are translated below.
“Bigu is a practice that is for improving our quality of life and also provides many additional effects we need very much in our life.First,Bigu can remove cause of cancer thoroughly and fundamentally. If one does bigu for three consecutive times,he won’t catch cancer and will keep healthy until the end of life.Secondly,Bigu can eliminate all sorts of toxins from throughout the body,which will induce self-healing and cure most of diseases.Thirdly,Bigu helps people lose weight so naturally.Many people spare no efforts to get slim,while weightloss is a very certain process of Bigu.Fourthly,Bigu gives wonderful beauty results which are hard to achieve in hospitals or beauty salons. After Bigu ,people’s skin will improve considerably, facial pockmarks,spots and wrinkles will gradually disappear. Fifthly,people’s memory and concentration will improve obviously after Bigu.Sixthly,Bigu helps to give up all kinds of addictions,such as drug, cigarette, alcohol,coffee, which is a much more natural and easier process than usual.Seventhly, Bigu has wonderful antiaging effect ,it can make the functions of body 20 years more youthful ,therefore people will feel very rejuvenated.”

Frequently Asked Questions About Qigong Bigu

Frequently Asked Questions About Qigong Bigu

1.What are the differences between Qigong Bigu and Fasting\Dieting?Qigong Bigu: Your body is supported by better form of energy—universal energy; Gastric acid secretion is stopped,which well protects your body and prevents you from feeling hungry;The healing effects are most thorough;After it,you gain more energy ,become much healthier and naturally don’t feel like too much food.Fasting\Dieting: Your body is supported only by less or no food;Gastric acid secretion carries on,which causes hunger and hurts the body easily; The healing effects are not thorough;After it,you strongly feel like eating big meals to make up the lack of food.2.What do I eat or drink during Bigu?You only need to drink pure water,but you won’t feel hungry and will have energy supplies – Universal energy from both my help and your Qigong practice.It provides comprehensive nutrition and vital Qi not found in any food or supplement.3.Do I need to stop working during Bigu? How long Bigu should I do?No. People who work with their brains most of the day can still work during Qigong Bigu. Physical workers should have some break for Qigong Bigu.During bigu you need to have total 1 hour at different times per day to finish “Qigong homework”– universal energy meal.How long to do bigu depends on your goal. The recommendation is 14 days (1 day during retreat, and 13 days afterwards at home). If you wish to get a more complete healing and rejuvenation, and experience higher dimension energy signals, then you may follow your “individual number”. I will extend corresponding supports to you.4. Do I need to be strong in order to do Qigong Bigu?There is no requirements to be physically strong to do Qigong bigu. Many high-performing bigu students had serious diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension,adiposis hepatica etc.In fact,the more unhealthy a person is ,the more he or she needs to undertake Qigong bigu.5. Will I lose weight during bigu if I’m skinny?Bigu helps to adjust your digestive system and balance your weight. Thus, overweight people will lose weight while underweight people may gain some after bigu.

Qigong and Bigu Fast

Qigong and Bigu Fast

Qigong is one of the most important aspects of traditional Chinese culture and medicine. In recent years, Qigong therapy has attracted more and more attention from modern medicine and science, and is now widely applied in clinical settings to treat illness and promote well-being.

According to Qigong science, all food originally comes from the universe while plants or vegetables are growing.After being eaten,it is transformed into qi, the vital energy we need, but we can also gain Qi directly from the universe or a Qigong master achieving very high level of energy.Qi is not something we can see, but rather something we can feel. It can be compared to the air that can sometimes be felt but never seen.

Qigong practitioners could become so Qi-filled that they don’t feel like eating or drinking .We call this state Bigu (literally ‘stop eating grain’). So it is thoroughly and totally different from other fasting or dieting .The body is supplied with high universal energy during Bigu and practitioner’s overall condition improves rather than weakens. For people who don’t practise Qigong, we can open the potential channel to connect to the universal energy and charge the high energy into the body through Qigong techniques.After this ,anybody can enter into Bigu Fast state immediately with no hunger,then the body itself will automatically detoxify and burn extra fat , diseased cells, dead cells, thickened coating on the intestinal wall, waste from blood stream to get more vital energy to survive.It can be compared with a nice cleaning of a house or a storage. Bigu is the safest and most effective means of maximizing the body’s self-healing capacities.

Bi Gu—The Way of Qigong Fasting

Bi Gu—The Way of Qigong Fasting
With the Help of Qigong, You Water-fast Safely Without Feeling Hungry.
What is Bi Gu?
Qigong is a powerful form of healing that has been practiced for thousands of years in China. It is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Qigong works by harmonizing mind, body movement and breath to enhance the flow of Qi (energy) in the body.
Bigu Qigong is a specialized practice of the art of Qigong, which has been shown to aide in weight loss. By using simple breathing and meditative techniques, Bigu Qigong practitioners are able to naturally suppress feelings of hunger while increasing their energy levels.
Bi Gu is a fasting program with the assistance of qi or life energy. It originally came from traditional Taoist practices. Bigu is a special technique using universal energy to replace regular food. Supported by universal energy during Bigu, you can achieve fundamental self-cleansing,self-healing & rejuvenation without feeling hungry. Therefore, Bigu is distinctively different from ordinary fasting, which may be dangerous.More and more modern people are beginning to accept this traditional way of fasting by eating Qi, by charging Qi into the body or doing Qigong exercise .
How Does Bi Gu Healing Work?
The person should sit relaxed and be ready to receive the energy.First, I use a Qigong technique to “lock up the stomach”, so Gastric acid secretion is stopped,which well protects the body and prevents the person from feeling hungry. Secondly, I open up the energy channels between the human being and the universe through Qigong technique and charge Qi or energy into the body for a few minutes. Then, I focuse on the memory of particular tastes which cause food cravings. Bi Gu reduces these cravings by removing a small portion of the memory of taste.
Bi Gu – Lower Appetite without Using Willpower

With the above functions in Bi Gu healing, one will naturally reduce the appetite without any use of willpower. This is the Bi Gu Fasting. In most cases, the person will stop eating completely for 7-21 days. It is really easy to follow.

Bi Gu State
Once a person has received a Bi Gu healing, he or she can easily enter into full Bi Gu state. In this state, one only drinks some pure water every day, the body is nourished by Qi (life force, energy) instead of food.
Through the history of man, humans have fasted for spiritual clarity, peace of mind, weight loss , rejuvenation and longevity. The human body has amazing healing powers.Bi Gu is a simple yet powerful way for the body to heal itself. This way of water fast is cleansing and healing. As there is no food going into the body, it has a chance to cleanse and heal itself, instead of having to handle food and digest it and all that.
There are many benefits to being in the Full Bi Gu State: Feel full, not hungry ;Purification ; Rejuvenation; Quick weightloss ; Rest for digestive organs ; Reduction of allergies ; Drug detoxification; A speedy recovery from chronic diseases;Normalize blood sugar level;Lower blood pressure and fat ;Reduction of the size and effect of tumors;Overcoming addictions;Better resistance to disease; Diet changes;More energy; Better sleep; Clearer skin ; Antiaging effects ;More relaxation; More mental clarity;Creativity;Clearer thinking ;Nice change of habits;Spiritual awareness.